Sainsbury’s colours

Learn about the selection of colours available to use in Sainsbury’s experiences.

Colour palettes

Sainsbury’s core colours are orange, plum, white and black. Orange is the colour most associated with Sainsbury’s by users, so it's important to use this distinctive asset first and foremost.

Primary palette

For digital experiences, we lean heavily on the use of orange, alongside white and black from the monochrome palette. Plum is used sparingly if needed.

Primary base colours

Orange Base#F06C00
Orange Dark#E55000
Plum Base#7F0442

Promotional palette

Sainsbury’s promotional palette of colours are red and blue. Use red for when you’re promoting a sale, and use blue when you’re promoting something new.

Promotional base colours

Sale Base#D50000
New Base#1976D2

Promotional extended colours

Sale extended colours
Sale Darkest#8D0000
Sale Darker#A50000
Sale Dark#BD0000
Sale Light#DD2E2E
Sale Lighter#EC8A8A
Sale Lightest#FBE6E6
New extended colours
New Darkest#114E8B
New Darker#135CA3
New Dark#1669BA
New Light#428FDA
New Lighter#95C0EA
New Lightest#E8F1FB

Monochrome palette

The monochome palette is a group of colours that can provide text contrast and neutrality to designs.

Monochrome Black#000000
Monochrome Darker#262626
Monochrome Dark#404040
Monochrome Medium#737373
Monochrome Light#D8D8D8
Monochrome Lighter#F2F2F2
Monochrome White#FFFFFF

Semantic palette

The semantic palette is a group of colours to communicate key messages throughout an experience. Use red for error messages, green for success messages, blue for important information, and yellow for warnings.

Error Base#D50000
Information Base#1976D2
Success Base#2E7D32
Warning Base#FFD600

Semantic extended colours

Error extended colours
Error Darker#A50000
Error Dark#BD0000
Error Light#DD2E2E
Error Lighter#FBE6E6
Success extended colours
Success Darker#246127
Success Dark#296F2C
Success Light#549457
Success Lighter#EAF2EB
Information extended colours
Information Darker#135CA3
Information Dark#1669BA
Information Light#428FDA
Information Lighter#E8F1FB
Warning extended colours
Warning Darker#C6A600
Warning Dark#E2BE00
Warning Light#FFDD2E
Warning Lighter#FFFBE6

Colour accessibility

Our standard button labels use Mary Ann ExtraBold at 18px. Please note that this fails to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards by a small margin, but we don’t recommend increasing the text size. You can read more below.


Orange (#F06C00) links within body text on White (#FFFFFF) should always be bold.

This link text is in bold.
This link text is not in bold.

Don’t use Orange (#F06C00) on White (#FFFFFF) for small text, such as captions, and icons.

The image caption is black
The image caption is our primary orange

Sainsbury's orange accessibility

Luna aims to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA standard for colour contrast. But there’s one single exception to this around using the Sainsbury's orange in certain contexts.

The two Sainsbury’s oranges, Orange Base (#F06C00) and Orange Dark (#E55000), are not WCAG 2.1AA compliant when used with either Monochrome White (#FFFFFF) or Monochrome Lighter (#F2F2F2) at body text size. However, as orange is Sainsbury's main brand colour, we sometimes need to use it at body text size anyway. An example is in our button labels, as shown above.

You can see a summary of the issue below.

ElementWCAG 2.1 AA contrast ratio recommendationOrange Base (#F06C00) on Monochrome White (#FFFFFF) contrast ratioOrange Dark (#E55000) on Monochrome White (#FFFFFF) contrast ratio
Body text4:5:13:06:1 (fail)3:83:1 (fail)
Large text (18pt or 14pt bold)3:13:06:1 (pass)3:83:1 (pass)
Icons, shapes and keylines3:13:06:1 (pass)3:83:1 (pass)

Further reading

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