
Logos are visual identifiers which help users to understand what brand they’re interacting with at a glance.

How to use logos

When using logos:

  • Check that you’re using the right logo in the right place
  • Provide an accessible name so that users who can’t visually perceive the logo can understand what it is
  • Include the word ‘logo’ in the accessible name, unless the logo is in the header
  • Include the link destination in the accessible name if the logo’s also a link

Following brand guidelines

There’s more information on logos in the brand guidelines in the resources section. This includes minimum sizes, spacing and more guidance on when to use which logo.

If you have any questions about logo use or want to use a logo in a new way, it’s best to attend a brand clinic session.

Example logos

'Helping everyone eat better' logo
To be used when our brand promise is relevant and legally applicable
Masterbrand logo
To be used when 'Helping everyone eat better' isn't relevant or legally applicable
Sainsbury’s Bank logo
Chop Chop Logo
Food to order logo
For our special occasion food ordering service
Internal logo
For internal experiences and communications to colleagues
Corporate logo
For when we’re talking to our shareholders
SmartShop logo

Our multi-brand lock-up device

Our multi-brand lock-up is designed to make the connections between our brands clear, where it’s appropriate or useful for users.

Sainsbury's, Argos, Tu, Habitat, Nectar, Sainsbury's Bank

How to use the multi-brand lock-up device

Use the header 'Our brands'
You should add the words ‘Our brands’ either above or to the left of the multi-brand lock-up, if it benefits the user’s experience.

Only include if there’s value
You should only use the multi-brand lock-up where there’s a clear value for the user. That could be because multiple brands appear within a journey, or to support a cross-brand campaign. If there’s no clear value in including it, don’t use it.

Only include relevant logos
You should only include brand logos that are relevant to the journey. It’s not necessary or desirable to always show all logos together.

Lead with the main logo
You should lead with the logo that is most relevant for the specific journey. For example, a journey around school uniforms might lead with Tu.

If there’s no obvious ‘lead’ brand for the journey, lead with the Sainsbury’s logo, as it has the largest customer base.

In this example, only Sainsbury’s and Nectar are relevant to the journey, with Sainsbury’s as the main brand.

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